You can make your credit card payments by mailing your payment to Visa, PO Box 4512, Carol Stream, IL 60197-4512 or Bankers Bank, Attn: Bankcard Dept., 7700 Mineral Point Rd., Madison, WI 53717, or by signing up at where you can view your account activity and make payments, or calling (866)-317-0361 for your MyCardStatement questions.
Contact Bankers Bank Credit Card Department at (877)-636-7244 so they can put a travel notification on your credit card account.
The month your card expires a new credit card will be sent to you. Both these cards are usable during the month of expiration.
You should first contact the company that placed the charge on your account and try to have it removed. If that does not work, you can contact the Credit Card Dispute Center at 800-906-0005 to report the dispute or fraud.